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architectural history and theory中文是什么意思

用"architectural history and theory"造句"architectural history and theory"怎么读"architectural history and theory" in a sentence


  • 建筑历史与理论


  • 2 . 4 education on urban and architectural history and theory
    2 . 4城市与建筑历史及其理论教育
  • Architectural history and theory
  • Build the bridge between the tradition and contemporary - on the teaching reformation of the architectural history and theory courses
  • How could teaching of architectural history and theories propel design activities and cultural development
  • At the same time , professor yang changming ' s part - time academic job include director and academic commissary of the historical organization of china architectural society ? director of academic commission on architectural history and theory of tianjin architectural association ? commissary on architectural education of the architect organization of china architectural society ? commissary of the compilation committee of 《 journal of tianjin university ( social sciences ) 》 ? contributing writer of 《 architectural journal 》 , etc
    杨昌鸣教授同时担任的学术兼职还有:中国建筑学会建筑史学分会理事及学术委员、天津市建筑学会建筑历史与理论学术委员会理事、中国建筑学会建筑师分会教育建筑专业学术委员会委员、 《天津大学学报》 (社会科学版)编委会委员、 《建筑学报》特约组稿人等。
  • Meanwhile , as an expert of architectural history and theory , professor yang changming has respectively undertaken the research works of national natural science foundation ? research fund for the doctoral program of higher education ? as well as protection and restoration works of the key cultural relics protection sites ? provincial and municipal prior protection sites ? excellent and historic buildings in some cities
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